Former President Jimmy Carter Turns 95, Celebrates His Birthday On October 1, Tuesday


James Warner







    The 39th United States President celebrated his birthday 95th birthday on Tuesday, October 1, solidifying his mark as the longest living president in United States history.

    The 39th president made a mark in his post-White House years as working a professor, human rights activist, author, and church Sunday School teacher, shared the celebration with US people making offer them of impressive discount in admission fee to his presidential library.

    Mr. Carter officially became the oldest living president in history earlier this year, when he surpassed former President George H.W. Bush at 94 years and 172 days old.

    Before becoming president of the nation, has been served as a Georgia State Senator from 1963 to 1967 and the 76th Governor of Georgia from 1971 to 1975. He declared the admission price on Tuesday for the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library in Atlanta would be just 95 cents or one penny for every year Mr. Carter has been living.

    Mr. Carter has been 38 years the former US President left the office and during his presidency he remained honest with his duties even in his retirement. He is the only US president U.S. president who received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 for work done after his time in office.

    His intelligence and bright thinking remains topic among the readers or those who know him very well, while Mr. Carter has been written more than 30 books and has been taught as the University Distinguished Professor at Emory University for over three decades.

    He finally achieved residence 37 years after he started teaching there by turning 94, more than the years, emerged a leading force behind Habitat for Humanity, volunteering building houses for people who don’t have wealth to own their residence.

    He has been battling with many health issues for years, though he was diagnosed with melanoma in 2015 that spread to his liver and brain.

    • TAGS
    • Former US President BirthdayJimmy CarterJimmy Carter Celebrates His 95th BirthdayJimmy Carter Turns 95







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      James Warner